Monday, November 30, 2009


This year we went to Sue and Paul's house for Thanksgiving. We switch off each year between my family and Tony's family. I was so thankful that we were doing at Tony's parents house this year. Usually we go across the water for Thanksgiving with Tony's family. It is just getting to difficult with all the kids to be traveling. We had a wonderful dinner. My sister in law (Gina) and I did a lot of the cooking so it made dinner come together really easy and fast. Before dinner we went for a walk down on the beach. All the kids were bagging to go down to the beach. It was a perfect day. When we got back up to the house we finished up getting the dinner ready. A couple of the neighbors came over to spend Thanksgiving with us. Dinner was wonderful. I think we all over ate as usual. After dinner we sat around and talked until it was time for pie. Of course I ate way to much because I had to try more than one. After the neighbors went home we played a game of scatigories. Tony and I then decided that we should go home considering Tony had to work on Friday and I had to get up and do the early morning shopping. Vann spent the night with grandma and grandpa so that I wouldn't have to wake him up so early in the morning and take him with me. I really appreciate everything Sue and Paul does for us. Thank You!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

On Halloween the Poulsbo Parks and Rec Center was hosting an event for preschool aged children. We got there around 3:00pm. Vann played all of the carnival games including participating in the cake walk. He won the cake walk. He was so excited and kept asking for his cake. I kept telling him no. I know I am such a bad mom but Halloween was just starting and if I would have let him eat his cake then he would not have been able to have candy later. After we finished at the rec center we headed down town. I had to keep emptying Vann's candy bag because it was getting to heavy for him to carry. We kept asking him if he wanted us to carry it but he kept saying that he wanted to do it him self. After we finished downtown we headed to a church that we had gone to last year. They do what is called trunk or treat. People decorate there cars and then we go from trunk to trunk getting candy. I like it because we dont have to walk that far. Inside the church they were doing carnival games for the kids. Vann won the cake walk again. When we finished at the chruch we left to go trick or treating in my sister's neighborhood. Vann was so cute he said trick or treat everytime and also said thank you after every peice of candy. He ended up with so much candy. Can't wait until next year!

Tony handing out his first peice of candy ever!