Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Scary Night!

So the other night Vann insisted on sleeping in his own room. So him and I crawled into bed together and snuggled to sleep. As soon as he was asleep I returned to my room to go to bed. Unfortunately I couldn't sleep very good because he is always right next to me. I always worry that I wont hear him if he wakes up even though I have my monitor on. So about 1:30am I got up to check the fire and put some more wood in. I thought it was kind of weird that he hadn't woke up yet so I decided to go in and check on him. I walked into his room to find him not in his bed where I had left him. My heart sunk as I began thinking someone has kidnapped my son. I started to look around his room and found him sitting in his rocking chair fast asleep. I know it doesn't sound that bad but there was a pile of blankets in the chair and he blended right in. I think my son sleep walks. His has done some weird things before when I have been awake and he is sleeping that's what makes me think that he was sleep walking. I was just so scared. I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable with him sleeping in his own room.

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