Thursday, March 5, 2009

Adventuring To New Parts

This was the train we rode today.
You see a lot of different cars here but you don't usually see American made cars that we don't have in the US. This is a Chevy.

That is all laundry drying on those people's balconies. Their washers and dryers aren't very big here so the air dry everything.

This is how they harvest seaweed.

So today was gorgeous probably the nicest it has been since I have been here. I had talked to a gentleman on the train on my way here and I asked him where would be some good places to go. I kind of forgot about it probably because I was just trying to get to my hotel that night. I remembered yesterday what he had told me so I decided to look up the store that he told me about. It is suppose to be this mega discount store. I know right up my ally, right? When Tony came home from work last night I told him about the store and that I wanted to go and check it out. We decided that it probably wasn't to far so we were going to walk. I thought that I would check with the front desk and they laughed at me. It was going to be about a one hour walk if not more. But if we took the train it would only take about ten minutes. We ended up taking the train definitely the way to go. See the problem with taking the train is that you don't know where things are or where the different stations are in comparison. The front desk was very helpful though.
I was so excited to get to the store considering everything here in Japan is very expensive. The store was huge and jammed pack full. There were a couple of aisles that we could barley get the stroller down. The store kind of reminded me of a Big Lots but not really. They carried real coach purses, wallets, high end sun glasses, but the atmospheres was very cheap looking. They had cameras, an adult section, and groceries. Yeah weird! The prices were not a bargain to me. Lets just say we didn't buy anything.
We ended up finding a grocery store just about a block away. I just wanted to check out there prices, but we ended up buying a couple things to snack on. They were really good. We got some kind of chocolate chunk bread sticks and some type of Japanese granola bars. Both were awesome.
Even thought the store wasn't great it was just nice to get out. Our hotel gets old after a while espesialy since it has been raining a ton here. I don't go to far when it is raining but we did buy a rain cover for the stroller the other day son now I can go anywhere and Vann wont get wet at all.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about all your adventures. Sounds like you are getting used to being in Japan quickly. I hope the weather starts to get better but I have a feeling we are getting into rainy March. Bummer :(
