Sunday, March 28, 2010


Saturday we headed to The Enoshima Aquarium. It was a lot of fun. Vann loves any kind of animals. It was a nice day but still very cold. I was kind of disappointed because Enoshima reminds me of Seaside Oregon. I was hoping that we were going to be able to play on the beach but it was way to cold. It was fun watching all of the surfers in the water. I think they are crazy for being out when it is so cold but there were tons. We also saw wind surfers and kite surfers.
The trolley/train we took to Enoshima. This is a train for the first part and then when you get closer to Enoshima it becomes a street car. It is pretty weird going down the middle of the street on a train and all of the cars have to pull over to the side of the road to make room for the train.

Stopped at a station looking at another train stopped at the station too.
Beware of hawks. There are signs posted everywhere.

Enoshima Island

These bird statues are part of a railing and someone made close for them. There were six altogether.

Selling homemade bread and goodies from the back of his van. When we past him on the way home he had sold just about everything.
Lego store

This blimp was going so fast, I have never seen a blimp go as fast as this one.
Notice the Kitchen Aid.
Making fresh creaps out of his van.

This is a train station. I thought it was kind of cool.

Selling oolong tea and yakisoba (noodles) before the dolphin show.

Waking on the the bridge across to Enoshima Island.

Corn on the cob and squid on a stick. Mmm...

This place had cooked sweet potatos, squash, hot dogs on a stick, and a verity of other interesting foods.

The Enoshima Spa
I though this was just a cooked rice ball. Boy was I wrong. It was rice but it had fish in the middle. I like fish but when you aren't expecting it, it kind of throws you off.

My first bite. It wasn't bad but I probably wont buy another one.

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